As if you needed another reason not to drink and drive tonight, meet Jacqueline Saburido. WARNING: SHOCKING IMAGES (via Look At This...)
Technorati tags: drunk, driving, injuries
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year! Bolivians, get your yellow undies on.
10 Unusual Traditions for Ringing in the New Year around the World
In Spain, people ring in the New Year by eating 12 grapes. In Bolivia, to bring good fortune in the coming year they wear yellow-colored underwear (presumably it comes from the store that color, and is not the byproduct of overexcited Bolivians).

Technorati tags: New, Year, traditions
In Spain, people ring in the New Year by eating 12 grapes. In Bolivia, to bring good fortune in the coming year they wear yellow-colored underwear (presumably it comes from the store that color, and is not the byproduct of overexcited Bolivians).

Technorati tags: New, Year, traditions
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
A nice addition to the resume

This must have been an interesting conversation with the school.
Too small? Click the pic to activate the Enlarginator. (via The Best Article Every Day)
Technorati tags: homework
Friday, December 25, 2009
Is that a lump in your throat or are you just speaking !Xóõ?
An interesting article from a writer at The Economist searching for the world's most difficult language. While we sometimes hear about how difficult English can be to pick up as a second language (why is it that our noses run while our feet smell?), the author of the article argues that English isn't that bad, with its lack of gendered nouns and mostly painless pluralization rules (usually just adding an -s works). No, that honor may well go to !Xóõ, which is so badass it actually gives you a lump on your larynx just from speaking it. (via Languagehat)
Technorati tags: language
For sound complexity, one language stands out. !Xóõ, spoken by just a few thousand, mostly in Botswana, has a blistering array of unusual sounds. Its vowels include plain, pharyngealised, strident and breathy, and they carry four tones. It has five basic clicks and 17 accompanying ones. The leading expert on the !Xóõ, Tony Traill, developed a lump on his larynx from learning to make their sounds. Further research showed that adult !Xóõ-speakers had the same lump (children had not developed it yet).
Technorati tags: language
Santa goes to better parties than you do
It's official. Dylan is out of his everlovin' mind. Wearing a ridiculous wig and barely managing to lip sync to his own vocals, I am not even sure if he realized the cameras were on. Though the album (Christmas In The Heart) was roundly panned by the critics, I've gotta tell you, this song burrowed past my earworm defenses and is still rattling around in my head hours later.
Must be Santa! Must be Santa! Must be Santa, Santa Claus!
Technorati tags: Bob, Dylan, Christmas
The older you get, the more rules they are going to try and get you to follow. You just gotta keep on livin', man. L-I-V-I-N.
A great "Dazed and Confused" reference over at Defective Yeti, which will be lost on you unless you've seen the movie, or at least the trailer below.
I'll take this time to say that if you grew up during the 70s and have not yet seen Richard Linklater's 1993 classic (featuring a fairly skeevy character played by the then pretty much unknown Matthew McConaughey), do yourself a favor and check it out. You'd be a lot cooler if you did...
Technorati tags: Dazed, Confused, Santa
I'll take this time to say that if you grew up during the 70s and have not yet seen Richard Linklater's 1993 classic (featuring a fairly skeevy character played by the then pretty much unknown Matthew McConaughey), do yourself a favor and check it out. You'd be a lot cooler if you did...
Technorati tags: Dazed, Confused, Santa
Thursday, December 24, 2009
On, Dasher! On, Dancer! On, Tinkle and Whizzer!

Come on, big guy. You're in like hundreds of millions of houses tonight, most with a fully functional toilet, and you choose this very second to let it fly? (via AmyOops)
Technorati tags: Santa, when you gotta go...
It's what keeps your insides from becoming outsides

The Boston International Antiquarian Book Fair this past November featured a book bound in human skin. Ick.

Not having read the books or seen the movies, this was a tough quiz for me, and I scored a middling 67% to prove it. Take the quiz: Harry Potter Character or Hideous Skin Disease?
7 Most Bizarre Skin Diseases
Dede Koswara, a 35-year-old Indonesian fisherman suffers from a severe Human Pappiloma Virus (HPV) infection. he is called the "tree man" because of the gnarled warts all over his body.
Technorati tags: Harry, Potter, skin, disease, quiz, book
Pew-pew-pew! Meow! Pew-pew!
As expected, a friendly little game of lasercat tag is all fun and games until somebody brings out the nuclear hairball.
Seriously, though. What kind of targeting mechanism are they using with these cats? With that kind of aim, I don't think even the Imperial Stormtrooper Academy would take them. (via Neatorama)
Technorati tags: pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, laser, cats
Hmm. Should I celebrate Christmas or crush the entire planetary ecosystem with my gargantuan carbon footprint? Can't I do both?
A collection of cool and/or crazy Christmas light decoration pics.

Technorati tags: Christmas, lights, Step away from the LEDs

Technorati tags: Christmas, lights, Step away from the LEDs
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Christmastime and a Life of Crime

Just Who Is This Guy? It's that time of the year where we actually welcome nocturnal break-ins. Just as long as the perpetrator leaves a copy of Rock Band...
Santa's Crime Wave - By all accounts, the suspect is still (at) large.
Sherwood Linton - Santa Got A DWI
Technorati tags: Santa, Christmas, Ho ho ho, crime
Monday, December 21, 2009
Nothin' but 'Net

Shoot some online baskets, and compare your prowess to others playing around the world. In a case of gaming imitating reality, I suck out loud at both virtual and actual basketball. (via Kottke)
Technorati tags: flash, games, basketball
Sunday, December 20, 2009
10 PRINT "MERRY " 20 PRINT "XMAS!!" 30 GOTO 10
A cute video of little robots dancing to some of your favorite Christmas songs. (via [Geeks Are Sexy]
Daft Punk - Robot Rock
Battle of the Robot Dance Moves (Even a Robot's Got to Protect His Junk)
Dancing Citroen Transformer
Dancing Sony Robots
This contestant on So You Think You Can Dance has really got his 'bot on. Day-um.
Technorati tags: robot, dance
That comes out to just one good story every 450 million years

It's the end of the year, and that means lots and lots of "Best Of"/ "Top 10" lists covering 2009.
A piffling 365 days? Forget that noise. The Onion steps up their game and brings you their Top 10 Stories of the Past 4.5 Billion Years. A few of my faves would be Fire, Setting Everything In Sight On Fire Discovered, Dinosaurs Sadly Extinct Before Invention Of Bazooka and Rat-Sh**-Covered Physicians Baffled By Spread Of Black Plague.
Technorati tags: Onion, news
Friday, December 18, 2009
Who Let The Apes Out?
CAUTION: There is so much action packed into this video (called "The TV Show") directed by Sugimoto Kousuke, you might need a seatbelt just to watch it. Strap in.
If you like that, you might also enjoy Kousule's Full Moon Party, which compresses thousands of years of ape civilization into a three-and-a-half minute guitar-propelled barnburner.
Technorati tags: Sugimoto, Kousuke
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Don't move...

Go out and amaze your drinking buddies, maybe even win a few bar bets with these balancing tricks.

This Diet Pepsi is part of a balanced breakfast.
Although it looks impossible, that 2-liter soda bottle is balancing without any hidden support other than that acrylic board with a hole just big enough to accept the neck of the bottle. Neat center-of-gravity physics that looks like magic.
Friday, December 11, 2009
I'm counting the seconds...

A final countdown of that cheesiest of 80's power anthems, Europe's 1986 mega-hit "The Final Countdown". All 16 (count 'em, 16!) versions, everything from a version done by a "manualist", aka one who forces air through this cupped hands to make musical sounds to some guy performing it on a homemade "kazookelele" (kazoo + ukelele). I'd say, "enjoy", but that may be asking a bit much. How 'bout, "good luck"?
Go to Google and don't enter anything into the search box. Click the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button and you will see how many seconds are left in 2009. (via TYWKIWDBI)
Technorati tags: Europe, Final Countdown, Google
And after you read this post, you will think you are a chicken

People all over Norway were freaking out December 9th because of a mysterious ginormous spiral of light in the evening sky. (via The Presurfer)
Update: It was caused by a failed Russian rocket launch. Interesting video explaining the cause of the spiral.
So, I guess that means my They Might Be Giants "Spiraling Shape" Theory is definitely not a contender. Ah well, it's still a good song and I recommend listening...

Mess up your brain with these hypnotic spirals and optical illusions.
Technorati tags: spirals, Norway, tagname, They Might Be Giants, hypnosis, optical, illusions
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
What if...?
How would things look if the Earth had rings like Saturn? A cool thought experiment with some gorgeous visuals. (via Albino Blacksheep)
Elephants on Acid, just one of 10 Bizarre Scientific Experiments.

Schrödinger's cat and 7 other Famous Thought Experiments.
Technorati tags: weird, experiments
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
In the not too distant future...
Yay! Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes are on Hulu. So far just a few from seasons 4-6, but hopefully more to come. (via The Daily What)
Technorati tags: MST3K, Hulu
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Was that an undead squid I just saw?
One more bit of silliness from the land of the rising sun:
Ultraman + Kaiju + Thriller dance = Win! (via Japan Probe)
Technorati tags: Ultraman, kaiju, Thriller, Japanese, TV, strange
Domo Arigato, buy my potato (chips)
A Japanese Halls lozenge commercial. Somehow I don't think subtitles would have cleared this up any. (via List of the Day)
Nice. Make sure your speakers are turned up.
Odd commercial with an anthropomorphic dog(-like demoncreature) for Calbee potato chips.
Technorati tags: strange, Japanese, commercial
Saturday, December 05, 2009
What's black and white and delicious all over?

Epic Oreo Cookie
Oreos as artistic medium. Using 1,887 Oreos, Phil Hansen recreated the famous 1963 photograph of a Vietnamese Buddhist monk immolating himself in protest of the persecution of Buddhist monks by the South Vietnamese government.
Kind of a downer in a post about Oreo cookies, fer cryin' out loud, so you can go here for more history and the original photo. You can view more of his unusual work at

Recipe for Oreo Balls, a/k/a Reindeer Droppings

How to make deep-fried Oreo cookies.
Technorati tags: Oreos
My superheroes are really in shape. Round is a shape.

Not everyone can (or should) be a superhero. I can totally see Wolverine here walking around Comic Con '09 eating Sausage McGriddles that have been skewered on his claws.
Technorati tags: overweight, superheroes
Is that a flashbag in your pocket or do you just have a lot of data?
WebUrbanist put together a list of 50 geektastic USB flash drives. The ones in the first picture below are called "flashbags", and they contain a micro air pump. The more data you store, the more air gets pumped into the drive, letting you see at a glance how "full" it is.
Uh huh.

Technorati tags: USB, flash, drive, flashbag
Uh huh.

Technorati tags: USB, flash, drive, flashbag
Friday, December 04, 2009
It's been a strange news day

Man dressed as elf causes mall evacuation
Atlanta, GA - Southlake Mall was evacuated Wednesday night after a man dressed as an elf allegedly told the mall Santa that he was carrying dynamite. [more]
Man gives up attempts to produce milk
Stockholm, Sweden - Swedish man who spent months attempting to pump milk from his breasts has given up on the failed attempt, his observers said. [more]

Technorati tags: odd, news
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
I would gladly pay you Tuesday for $200,000 in unmarked, non-sequential bills today
Bank Notes: A collection of bank robbery notes culled over the years. Some are surprisingly polite or even apologetic. I like the second one here. It appears he is robbing the bank... for $100. (via Blame It On The Voices)
I have a gun in my bag.
Give me $5,000 please.
Thanks a bunch.

This is a bank robbery,
place 1 100.00 bill
on the counter
or I will shoot you

Technorati tags: bank, robbery, notes, crime
I have a gun in my bag.
Give me $5,000 please.
Thanks a bunch.

This is a bank robbery,
place 1 100.00 bill
on the counter
or I will shoot you

Technorati tags: bank, robbery, notes, crime
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