Wednesday, May 28, 2003

"'A'? What's an 'A'?"

Apparently, an "A" was something this person never got in Computer class. Read this excerpt from Computer Stupidities:

Tech Support: "Ok, you are in C:\WINDOWS. We need to get to the A: drive. So type 'A' colon and press enter."

Customer: "'A'? What's an 'A'?"

Tech Support: "It's the first letter of the alphabet. 'A' like apple."

Customer: "Ummm...what's an 'A'? I don't know what it is."

Tech Support: "Grade school, remember? The letter 'A'?"

Customer: "Oh, ok. Where is that?"

Tech Support: "Left side of the keyboard. Next to the 'S'."

Customer: "Ok...I think I found it. What do I do?"

Tech Support: "Press it. See what happens."

Customer: "Ok, I've got an 'A' now."

Tech Support: "Now press the colon. It's next to the 'L' key."

Customer: "How do I get it?"

Tech Support: "Hold down the 'shift' key."

Customer: "How to you spell that?"

Tech Support: "S-H-I-F-T. You have two of them. Near the space bar. Hold that down and press the colon."

Customer: "I can't find the colon."

Tech Support: "It's to the right of the 'L'."

Customer: "How do I get it?"

Tech Support: "Hold the shift key and press the colon key."

Customer: "Oh, ok...I think I've got it."

Tech Support: "Good, now hit 'enter'."

Customer: "Where's that?"

This whole conversation of two commands took almost an hour. I have no idea how this lady ever made enough money to buy a computer. It amazes me how someone can forget the alphabet. She's nice, but she's amazingly dumb.

Having worked in the tech support industry for a few years, I can attest that there are normal, intelligent people out there who become dumber than a bag of hammers once they sit in front of a computer.

Computer Stupidities is a huge site on the wonderful Rinkworks mothership, with tons of blood-curdling tech support stories. Check out Calls From Hell, Smoke and The Bleeding Obvious for starters...

for the flipside of the coin, you can check out Stupid Tech Support.

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