Thursday, August 05, 2004

The Revolution Will Not Be Capitalized

One of life's annoyances is when you accidentALLY HIT THE CAPS LOCK KEY AND TYPE A WHOLE BUNCH OF STUFF BEFORE YOU REALIZE...OH CRAP... SEe what I mean? I thought maybe I could find a little app that would allow you to highlight your case-mangled text and convert it to something a little less shouty. So far, I haven't come across such a tool, but I did find some brethren who share my pain in

According to their Mission Statement
Our goal here at is to have the capslock key removed from keyboards that are manufactured in the future.

Until that glorious Caps Lock-free day arrives, they do have some alternatives like ClipControl, Transform and Togglekeys. VIVA LA REVO...#$@&!!!... I mean, viva la revolution!!!

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