Wikipedia's list of your garden variety schoolyard pranks such as your basic Indian Burn, Wedgie and Swirly. Inexplicably, the Playground Bully chestnuts of the Noogie and the Wet Willy are nowhere to be found, but, this being Wikipedia, please feel free to add them in there yourself (unless the memories are too painful to bear).
Depending on whether you were a victim, a perpretrator, or are just a young tyke honing your Future Bullies of Tomorrow skills, you may appreciate Atomic Wedgies, Wet Willies, & Other Acts of Roguery by Greg Tananbaum and Dan Martin. All the classics are covered, plus the more obscure prank arcana like Burp 'n' Blow, Book Knock and Psyche Shake.
Lest you think that this kind of thing stops when you get out of middle school, think again. I had read about The Great Rose Bowl Prank of '61, but I didn't know that it was revisited in the 2004 Yale/Harvard "We Suck" prank. Good stuff!
Technorati tags: pranks, practical jokes
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