Here's an enjoyable little (Flash) game of spooky Hangman. (via Look At This)
Technorati tags: games, hangman, Halloween
1 jar peanut butter
1 jar strawberry jam
1 pound of crisp-fried bacon
Hollow out one loaf of Italian bread, slather on the PB & J and add the still-warm bacon.
Serves 1 Elvis (or 8 mortals)
This is a mesmerizing and frightening video. It's a word-for-word parody of Susan Powter's first workout video, featuring poodles and a crazy poodle-woman. Absolutely surreal. It was made by Nagi Noda for Panasonic. It was part of 10 films they made for the 2004 Athens Olympics.
"Looking for a full creative person for your team? ... Deep Studies on movies. Prepared for the totally unexpected advertising and Selling Blasting"
"I am getting to my goal, slowly but surly."
"I have been on Sabitcal for a while." [Editor's note: Side effects of Sabitcal may include dizziness, brain cramps, and bonehead spelling errors. Ask your doctor if Sabitcal is right for you.]
Skin diving with gas tanks you stole from a dentist.Thanks to growabrain for cluing me in to the fascinatingly tragic/tragically fascinating Unusual Death. Take this tidbit culled from a Melbourne, Australia newspaper:
Renting a basement apartment in Venice.
Wearing clown shoes while walking through a mine field at night.
Getting a life-size tatoo of someone your height.
(from Paul Gilmartin's brilliant audio poem "Undignified Ways To Die")
A dwarf nicknamed Od has died in a circus accident in northern Thailand. According to the Pattaya Mail, he "bounced sideways from a trampoline and was swallowed by a yawning hippopotamus which was waiting to appear in the next act. Vets on the scene said Hilda the Hippo had a gag reflex that automatically caused her to swallow." The vet said it was the first time the hefty vegetarian had ever eaten a circus performer. "Unfortunately, the 1,000-plus spectators continued to applaud widely until common-sense dictated that there had been a tragic mistake". (Melbourne Herald Sun - July 16th, 1999)Another one would be the bizarre incident in the summer of 2003 involving the pizza delivery man who robbed an Erie, PA bank wearing a bomb collared around his neck. He told police at the scene he had been lured to a remote site under the guise of a pizza delivery, abducted by a group of strangers and was forced to commit the robbery or else they would explode the device. The bomb exploded shortly thereafter, just minutes before the bomb squad arrived.
The former engineer fell out of bed, into a pond, off a horse and through a glass coffee table. He fractured his ankle and his back, and once broke his right leg by tripping over a puppy. He even ended up partially blinded after drinking a shot of black market vodka.
Michael was married to an equally unlucky woman. Frances Mosey once broke both of her legs when she tumbled into a 6-foot hole in the road that lacked any warning signs. She purchased a motorcycle and fell off of it on her first ride, breaking her shoulder blade. While recovering from a hernia operation, the former telephone operator suffered a fractured skull when a ceiling tile fell on her head. She allegedly died on the operating table during routine procedures in 1963 and 1996, yet was revived both times. Her most unfortunate experience, however, occurred when she accidentally cut her finger off while making dinner. Doctors were unable to reattach it because her dog ate the digit.
"Go!" became a massive hit in New York clubs and elsewhere, its giddy main shout sampled by Moby for his own breakthrough single of that name, covered by Brainiac, and more. The song itself deserves all the attention it got, kicking off with one of the peppiest distortion bass lines ever recorded. Brisk handclaps and a quirky percussion loop lead into Daniel Ash's merrily gooned-up chant of "Ya ya ya ya ya ya!," and while occasional sudden halts let the title word sneak in around the side, there's not much more to it.Rustic Overtones - Feast or Famine - This cut comes from the Portland, ME seven-piece outfit's 1998 debut effort Rooms by the Hour.