Thursday, October 30, 2008

Me vs. the Mazda

23.5 miles per gallonIt's official. I now get better gas mileage than my car. Answer some questions and discover: How many MPG does your body get?

I'd fill up, but I'm terrified to find out just where I'm supposed to insert the pump.

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Elizabeth McQuern said...

Wow, I get 42 MPG! I had no idea.

captnkurt said...

Good on you, Elizabeth a/k/a Bella Rossa!

Just for fun, I went back through and answered the worst possible answer for everything (smoker/obese/never gone more than 10 minutes without food or whatever...)

If you do all that you get 1 MPG. The same as a semi-truck! I think at that point, when you go down the sidewalk, kids would frantically try to get your attention and make the "Hey Mister! Blow the air horn!" gesture.