Friday, March 10, 2006

This post really sucks


You may have heard that, after a couple hundred years, leeches are now making a comeback in the medical field. It seems the anti-coagulative properties in the saliva of the leech make reattached body parts heal faster and promote blood flow to the affected part.

Well, somebody has to supply all those slimy critters, and one of those somebodies is Biopharm Leeches Worldwide. Click on the Leech Facts link and learn that
  • The Hirudo leech has three jaws with 100 teeth on each jaw - making 300 teeth in all.
  • The bite of a leech is painless due to its own anaesthetic.
  • The leech has 32 brains

Other things leechy:

FlickrLeech is a nifty little aggregator that collects pictures with the highest level of "interestingness" submitted to the photo-sharing site Flickr. Just enter in a date and up pops a few hundred very unboring pics. Cool! (via Digg)

Cary Grant didn't always have that cool name; he was born with the slightly less elegant moniker of Archie Leach. (Bonus trivia question: Which 1980s comedy had a character named Archie Leach, presumably a nod to Mr. Grant's real name?)

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