Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Where In The World Is Slovenia?

If you're like me, you'll learn a lesson in humility by taking the Geography Olympics quiz. First, pick the country you are representing. Then you are then given ten randomly chosen countries; it's your job to determine where those countries are located.

I took the quiz three times. Embarrassingly, my best result was 30% (3 out 10). The other two times I scored a paltry 20%. Sorry, Team USA, I brought our national average down 0.04% to our current 66th place standing of 55.21% (view current leaderboard)

Come on, guys! Let's get some geography ringers in there and blast those wily Finlanders (where's Finland?!) out of first place! We can do it!
(via Neat New Stuff on the Net)

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