trope [trohp] -noun
story components or elements which have become standardized through decades (or more) of use.
The TV Tropes Wiki is no place to visit if you have anything you need to get done in the next few hours. Seriously. In just the subcategory of Animated Tropes, which is vast on its own, there's some really interesting stuff, such as
- Motionless Chin - The reason most animated characters can talk, cry, scream, etc, yet their chin never moves
- White Gloves - How come Mickey Mouse wears those white gloves?
- Big Ball of Violence - You know, when cartoon characters get into a fight and it's depicted as this amorphous cyclone with the occasional head or fist becoming briefly visible
Aside from the animated stuff, there are the intracacies of Fan-Speak and your basic Stock Phrases (as contrasted with catchphrases like "Whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Willis?"), such as No Time To Explain and It's Quiet, Too Quiet.
Technorati tags: television, tropes, cliches
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