Saturday, January 02, 2010

Evil? Si! Las Reversal is live!

Las Reversal will be the city I will found that will communicate entirely in palindromic form. It won't be easy, there will be lots of cries of "Dammit, I'm mad!" and one of our residents will probably be a live devil, but at least everyone will own a race car.

It's the 2nd of January, which in the United States and a few other countries is written as 01/02/2010.

To those of you living somewhere that uses this date formatting of MM/DD/YYYY, happy Palindrome Day, since the date reads the same both forwards and backwards. Most other countries around the globe use the DD/MM/YYYY format, and will just have to wait until next month, when the 1st of February brings Palindrome Day to them.

Next year will also have 11/02/2011, which is either November 2nd or February 11th, depending upon which date format you use.

There are actually three different date formats:
  • Little endian - Lists the day first (DD/MM/YYYY or DD/MM/YY) Examples: most of Europe, South America, Australia)
  • Middle endian - Lists the month first (MM/DD/YYYY or MM/DD/YY) Examples: United States, Canada, Micronesia)
  • Big endian - Lists the year first (YYYY/MM/DD or YY/MM/DD) Examples: Japan, Taiwan, China, much of Asia

A list of countries and how they write their dates.

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