Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Don't be a rube, get on the trolley!

He's not just some guy, Marge! He's a Carny and part of a noble tradition. Carnies built this country-the carnival part of it anyway -- and though they may be rat-like in appearance, they are truly kings among men.

-- Homer on carnies, "Bart Carny"

Wanna know how to work the bally, build and turn the tip, start a jam and do the blowoff?? An exhaustive glossary of Carny Lingo. Scroll down a bit to find a "The Bally", a great example of how carnival barkers do what they do best: relieving you of your money. My only beef is that the font is pretty annoying and hard-to-read.

Boing Boing recently posted a link to a different Carny Lingo site, but aside for being easier to read, it has far fewer entries and examples.

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