Wednesday, July 27, 2005

I need phrenology like I need a lump on my head

Okay, so maybe facial recognition software doesn't do so well at predicting personality (see previous post). What about some of those other hoary standbys?

petepuma190 horis-lumps-large

There's a couple of 'em. Phrenology (your personality can be mapped from the shape of your head), and graphology (your personality can be mapped from your handwriting style).

Phrenology or Is That A Lump On Your Head Or Do You Just Have A Pronounced Metaphysical Perspicuity Organ?

The Straight Dope answers 'Is handwriting analysis legit?'

Take this ridiculously detailed fifty-step(!) handwriting analysis test.

My results are posted below, which read pretty much like a horoscope, ie. vague one-size-fits-all claptrap that anyone can see a little of themselves in. Except, that is, for my extreme need for freedom, apparently. Hey, is this room getting smaller!? I gotta get outta here...


Motivating Forces

captnkurt has the emotional independence to act on his own when necessary, as long as he feels comfortable with what he is doing. He is also able to take direction. His overpowering need for freedom can make it difficult to sustain long-term relationships, no matter how much he wants the good things that go with them. He simply must be free to do what he needs to do, and too many close, personal ties make that difficult. An easygoing, casual sort of person, when conflict is brewing, he immediately seeks ways to affect a compromise. His need for material and financial security is about average. What this means is, he works to take care of his needs and those of his family, but is not so driven that he make security his sole focus.
Ego Strength

It's not an easy choice for captnkurt to make, but there may be times when he will bend his principles to some degree. More than likely, those times will be when he is feeling under pressure from his social group, and his conscience will probably suffer for it. A sense of personal pride gives him all the reward he needs. Having taken to heart the lessons that experience has taught him and put them into practice, he has developed a pleasant symmetry and poise in his personality. Instead of being crushed by mistakes or disagreeable events in his life, captnkurt uses them as building blocks to increase his self-confidence and dignity. With strong self-esteem, he doesn't allow others to set standards for him. He sets and lives up to his own expectations. It's not within his nature to cave in to temptation without a fight. He has sufficient willpower to stand firm in his views, even when faced with strong opposition, if he believes he is right.

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