IQ is a variable, but SneakyCheapness is a constant
"If the aborigine drafted an IQ test, all of Western civilization would presumably flunk it." -- Stanley Garn
There are about a gajillion IQ tests out there on the web, and the other night I decided to try a few of them to see what kind of range of scores I'd get. Out of the three I took, the results ranged pretty dramatically. Of course, almost every site offering an IQ test has a disclaimer that IQ tests in general are only one way to measure what may be considered "intelligence", and that the test will only give you a ballpark estimate of your IQ. Some people considered very intelligent do very poorly in standardized tests, etc, etc etc...
Results in a minute, but first let me get into some specifics for the three tests I ended up taking.
Tests were found by plugging the terms IQ TEST into Google. The three I chose were pretty much at random. Two of the tests were timed, one was not. One specifically said not to use pencil and paper, the other two didn't mention either way, so I felt it was acceptable to use a pencil and paper for those two.
So, here's my results, in the order the tests were taken:
Test #1: Timed (15 minutes/ 30 questions). Paper/pencil not specifically forbidden. Used for two questions Score: 131
Test #2: I took IQ Test #1 Not timed. Took me the longest, though it had by far the fewest questions (20). Seemed much harder than the others. Used pencil/paper extensively)Score: 112
Test #3 : Timed (13 minutes/ 38 questions) Paper/pencil not allowed. Score: 160 Woohoo! All of a sudden I'm Einstein!
Needless to say, web IQ tests can vary wildly in their results. Take with a grain of salt large enough to raise your blood pressure 20 points...Many, many other IQ tests available here.
Your SneakyCheapness quotient, however, is an inarguable constant. No paper, no pencil, no trains leaving stations at 60 mph in opposite directions. Nothing required but honest answers. My SneakyCheap score: 168 (It was stealing milk crates that killed me)